Paul Wallace Fitness



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Weight Loss Strength Training Workout Routines

by | May 13, 2020 | Exercise, Fitness | 0 comments

Recommended Strength Training Workout Routines for Weight Loss

Even though numerous workout routines can help in weight loss, strength training is one of the most effective methods for long term weight loss and weight management. Strength training is a type of resistance training that aims to burn body fat and build muscles at the same time. With time, strength training boosts your body metabolism, thereby increasing your calorie burning ability even when at rest.

It is highly recommended that you incorporate strength training into your regular workout routines for maximum results.


The most recommended strength training workouts for weight loss



There are numerous variations of squats. Even so, all of them target different muscle groups at the same time. You can choose between front squats, goblet squats, barbell back squats, sumo squats, and air squats.



Deadlifts come in many variations that include conventional deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, dumbbell deadlifts, trap bar deadlifts, and Romanian deadlifts. They are ideal for weightless routines since they can be done with any training equipment. To effectively perform a deadlift, you will need to straighten the back and lift the chest while keeping the neck neutral. You should focus on driving the legs through the floor as opposed to pulling the weight up when lifting the weight.


Kettlebell swing

This exercise routine engages the entire posterior chain. The hips are the key to performing perfect kettlebell swings. The weight should be placed in the midfoot and heels and not the toes. The hips should be driven forward in hinge motions to make the bell feel weightless. Smoothly return to start position and repeat.



These are workout routines that combine squat jumps with push-ups. It is a physically demanding workout but yields excellent results. Burpees increase your heart rate within a short time. It is recommended that you tighten your core and squeeze your buttocks when doing burpees to get the best results. Remember to catch a breath.


Pull-ups and push-ups

While these are not the most fun workout routines, they are fundamental in strength training and can be performed anywhere. While they are challenging, they are ideal for any level of workout, which makes them perfect for all exercise routines.


How to use the moves to burn calories

For best results, go for routines that work on multiple muscle groups at a time. This will help to burn more calories while building muscles. Examples include:


The kettlebell blaster

This involves the use of kettlebell front squats, kettlebell deadlift, kettlebells wings, and light kettlebell jump. Ensure you complete at least 15 rounds of the front squats, ten rounds of the deadlifts, ten rounds of kettle swings, and ten rounds of the kettlebell jumps.


The calorie torcher

This exercise routine involves the use of front squats, burpees, pushups, and pullups. You can do five rounds of five front squats with at least five burpees in between each set. You should complete at least ten reps of pull-ups and push-ups. You can do your pushups from your toes or knees. For the pull-ups, you can use an assisted pull-up machine or a resistance band if you are still not used to full pull-ups.


[avatar user=”PaulWallace” /]About Paul Wallace Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes


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