Paul Wallace Fitness



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3 Workouts That Will Burn 100MEP

by | Sep 17, 2020 | Exercise, Fitness | 0 comments

3 Workouts That Will Help You Reach Your 100 MEP Goals

Are you the kind of workout enthusiast that looks to try and set themselves different goals each month? Perhaps you even aim to set different goals every workout. One particularly good target to reach for is 100 MEPs in a single workout. If that is the case, we have put together three different workout plans that will help you achieve a minimum of 100 MEPs, while offering the potential for much more, if and when you want it.

Before you get started, always aim for a good quality warm-up of at least 5 to 10 minutes working within in the Green or Blue zones.


Workout No. 1 The Rope, Rep and Row Workout

For this workout, you will need a battle rope, a rowing ergometer, a belt and your body.

Start on the rower, completing 5 minutes of HIIT, 30 seconds of Work and then 30 seconds of Recover. Work in the yellow zone of Work and Green zone to Recover,. Follow this up by 20 reps of a bodyweight squat in the green or yellow zone, then a bodyweight lunge, push-ups and horizontal pull up, al for 20 reps working in the green or yellow zone.

Finish the workout with battle rope drills and do these for 5 minutes of HIIT, followed by 30 seconds of Work and 30 seconds of Recover.


Workout No. 2 The Plank, Pull, Push Workout

The next workout that will get you those coveted 100 MEPs involves plank variations between pushing and pulling exercises targeting both your upper and lower body.

Start this workout with 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps of either a squat or leg press, followed by the same sets and reps of a deadlift or hamstring curl. Next perform a plank, with the thread the needle moves, holding the centre for 30 seconds threading the needle 5 times on each side. Do this twice and then follow it with 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps of a dumbbell chest press.

You then need to perform the same amount of sets and reps of a dumbbell lawnmower row before performing a plank to the centre and each side, 30 seconds for each.

The last section of this workout involves 2 sets and the same reps of a med ball toss and cable chop followed by a walking bear plank, 12 times on each side.


Workout No. 3 – The Superset, Slam and Swing Workout

This workout involves slam ball slams and kettlebell swings performed in-between supersets targeting opposing muscle groups.

Take a kettlebell and perform 20 swings before moving onto either a deadlift or hamstring curl, again for 20 reps. Next, you need to do 20 hamstring curls and 20 squats. Grab the kettlebell again and perform 20 more swings and then perform 20 slam ball slams before performing a superset of 20 chest presses and seated rows.

Next, you need to perform a further 20 kettlebell swings and slam ball slams followed by a superset of 20 curtsy lunges and monster walks, completing the workout with 20 final kettlebell swings.


Paul WallaceAbout Paul Wallace Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes



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