Paul Wallace Fitness

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Stay Motivated & Achieve Your Goals

by | Jun 29, 2020 | Exercise, Health, Uncategorized | 0 comments

How to Stay Motivated and Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals

Starting out a fitness program is usually a great feeling. You’re excited, motivated, and so pumped to transform your life and improve your health.

But along the way, something happens. Your motivation suddenly dies.

Now, you’re no longer pumped to hit the gym, or go for that morning run, or even prepare that healthy diet. You feel like all the effort you’ve been putting hasn’t born any fruits, so you stop.

And this is destructive.

So, here are a few ways to help keep you motivated on your journey to health fitness:


1.     Work on your mindset

Everything is in your mind, even that fitness motivation. And so, once you start believing that you don’t have time for exercises or time to cook healthy diets, then it’s only a matter of time before your body registers the same.

You need to transform your perspective on fitness. Instead of thinking why you can’t do exercises, think of exercises as a luxury – even if it’s during those odd hours.

This small change in mindset might be just what you need to regain the juice that keeps you going in your fitness routine.


2.     Set goals and take action

This may sound counter-intuitive, but it’s true. If you know that you lack the motivation to keep working on your fitness routine, then you just can’t sit down and wait for someday when you’ll magically feel super-motivated.

No, you need to take action to regain it. And setting goals is one of the best ways to do this.

Your goals don’t have to be anything crazy. You can start with “I’ll do twenty minutes of exercises every day” or, “I’ll cook healthy meals once a day.” Just set a small attainable goal that you’re sure you can commit to and complete it.

Accomplishing these tasks will give you a sense of achievement, which will further motivate you to achieve your fitness goals.


3.     Have a fitness buddy(s)!

Your motivation to stick to your fitness goals dies pretty quickly when you’re in it alone. But once you have a friend doing it as well, the journey becomes much more manageable.

The fitness buddies become more of accountability partners. They check on you from time to time, motivate you when you’re down, and share with you their challenges to ensure that you both do your exercises and stick to your diets.

You’re, therefore, more likely to keep going when you’re not doing the fitness routine alone.


4.     Don’t aim for perfection

I know you want that perfect body, but that should never be your aim for your fitness routine. Instead, focus on doing your best in your routine. Your health doesn’t demand perfection; it requires effort.

Make your fitness routine more fun, reward yourself for achieving those small goals, and write down your progress. This is the only way you’ll stay motivated.

With time, you’ll have developed enough discipline to achieve that ‘perfect body.’ But it should never be your goal.


Final thoughts

Achieving your health and fitness goals is not a smooth journey. It’s one filled with challenges, and motivation is the only way you’re going to make it. So, if you’re feeling down, it’s time to change your attitude and start taking action.

Remember, it’s never too late to change. You can still regain your motivation and achieve your fitness goals!


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